Visit Bank is born, opening clinic doors to those who cannot afford it
From this happy insight, the guys at ScegliereSalute, an Apulian startup of the Health Italia Group, have launched a new and completely unprecedented solidarity campaign, namely the “Bank of Visits,” a project in collaboration with the Basis Foundation, a nonprofit committed to the dissemination of mutualistic principles and social solidarity. Helping those who cannot afford a paid medical examination, those who cannot wait for the time of the Public Health Service, those who need immediate care. Behold, with these precise goals, the “Visit Bank,” a real web platform where supply and demand meet in a transparent and limpid manner, was born.
Only those with courage can ask for help. With this slogan emblazoned on the head of the home page of the visit bank website.it begins the project organizers’ joint and shared journey with all those who need care or a medical examination but lack the necessary financial resources. The Visits Bank, thanks to donations from private citizens and companies, guarantees free access to specialist medical examinations and health care services to everyone, citizens and voluntary associations alike.
With this initiative, the spotlight is once again turned on the true meaning of community and even more on a country, Italy, that has long since lost its social dimension, rediscovering instead a market culture that is increasingly inclined to discard those who cannot make it or all those who do not have the economic resources necessary to care for themselves.
There are so many Italians in recent years who, due to economic difficulties, have been unable to afford the necessary expense for their health and often put it off, thus neglecting their physical well-being. The Visit Bank, through donations from citizens and businesses, aims to ensure that other citizens and voluntary associations have access to free specialist medical examinations and health care services. The same donations of money or direct purchase of health care services by ordinary citizens or businesses thus become health care services to be provided for the most needy or for voluntary associations.