In light of the newspaper and online articles published today and related to the “collapse of the’hospital on Mondayì,” it appears necessary once again to point out that although it was an overcrowding of users, whose clinical conditions were promptly and as always well treated by the ER staff, this is è verified concurrently on the one hand for the’arrival of numerous ambulances (about 32 ambulances arriving in the day of which 14 from the 118 service, 15 public and 3 private) and from the’other of a technical failure of the CT scan that in fact represented the real reason for slowing down the discharge of most of the patients awaiting diagnosis. Nothing to do with the feared arrivals of cruise passengers who would not be rescued.
It is also represented how in that circumstance both the health management of the’S Hospital.Paul that the management staff of the ER have, as always happens, formally informed by telefax the 118 Lazio operations center both of the breakdown of the CT scan and especially of the resulting overcrowding that had. In particular, Monday'sì has seen the’arrival of n.197 users of which n.95 in the morning , n.73 in the afternoon and 29 the night. Divided by severity codeà (triage), in the morning 3 red codes, 21 yellows , 45 greens and 6 whites; in the afternoon 1 red code, 29 yellows to be placed in the hospital setting and 37 greens.
Thereò represented for Civitavecchia a unique event and outside the normal potentialityà of reception of the hospital.
For information we inform that normally on average the number of daily ambulances arriving at the nosocomio è equal to 14/15 in the 24 hours (as per Gipse data). This disproportionate number of arrivals had on the same day moreover exhausted the’use of stretchers (certainly not for lack of them).
The above represents as said an occasional event for Civitavecchia , but certainly appears to be in line with the functionalà of other nosocomas in the cityà Of Rome in certain situations of overcrowding.
About the controversy expressed on the subject of accountabilityà of the’assistance between the 118 service and the’hospital , it is pointed out that on such occasions the services involved must work in synergy and not enter into sterile and certainly unfruitful contrasts for the health of citizens
For such an episode è been requested by the general and health directorate of the’ASL RM/F a meeting with the 118 management in order to jointly analyze the’happened and to avoid the recurrence of similar situations, also retracing joint elements of operational synergies adoptable in the near future. Moreover, the’occasion to thank the medical and non-medical personnel who during this emergency dealt with the various situations that arose with self-sacrifice and professionalismà
The company management once again recalls how the speeding up of the work on the renovation of the new emergency room (whose project never activated dates back to 2004), represents a sure element of certainty and an answer to those who improperly want to highlight negative sides at all costs and question the’work of those finally dedicated to the’emergency area of the’S hospital.Paul. E’ There is no doubt that an emergency room adequate in terms of space and also professional resources (whose delivery è planned for July) in similar circumstances would have allowed better management of the crisis.