Anguillara – ASL ROMA F, strong synergy with municipality
The Director General, Giuseppe Quintavalle, with the Mayor of Anguillara Francesco Pizzorno and the School Director of the ’Comprehensive Institute “San Francesco” Laura Lauri, in recent days agreed on the rapid activation of a protocol d’ agreement for the creation in Anguillara of a “Prevention and Early Diagnosis Center for ADHD” in the premises made available free of charge for one day a week by the Municipal Administration of Anguillara,
This important milestone, announced at a first CME course held in Anguillara, was achieved mainly thanks to the willingness of the AIFA ONLUS Association, through its President Patrizia Stacconi, to conduct free training courses on the ‘parent training’ model for families, and of the ABCI Studies (psychologists and speech therapists), to organize, again free of charge, diagnostic screenings in the Schools in the district.
The training will be complemented by special ‘teacher training’ sessions, dedicated to teachers and school workers.
The operational proposals will be compiled in an integrated document with the relevant areas of ASL ROMA F , the Mental Health Protection and Rehabilitation in the Age of Development sector and the Mental Health Department, and then coordinated by Dr. Maurizio Munelli, director of the Autism and ADHD Observatory, who was the promoter of the initiative.
Very pleased Mayor Pizzorno, who has enthusiastically supported the idea from the very beginning, and sincerely convinced AIFA Onlus President Patrizia Stacconi, who will also be in the forefront of the concrete part of the project.
“The participation and support shown – commented Dr. Stacconi. Quintavalle – reinforce our belief that our joint and shared actions should lead to a coherent approach that sees the entire life of a person with ADHD pathology affected, from childhood to adolescence to adulthood. We hope that this experience can soon be exported to other municipalities in our ASL.”