After years of controversy and general dissatisfaction with the Bracciano hospital facility, the turning point is è also noted with the’opening of work on the new emergency room. And è precisely to the’inside the construction site that last Saturday è the design of what will become theà, probably at the end of October, the new reception point for emergencies. In the presence of the vice president of the Regional Council of Lazio, Carlo Lucherini, by the councilors of the Province of Rome, Paul Bianchini e Gabriele Lancianese, by the mayor of Bracciano Giuliano Sala, of some city councilors, and numerous health workers, the Director General retraced “l’anamnesis” that led to the implementation of the work.
“The Story è started in 2001, that is, from’approval of the renovation project of the’hospital by the Lazio Region – explained Squarcione, which at that time was part of the regional commission for the’allocation of funds (former Article 20) – work was awarded in 2002 to build the pharmacy, completed in 2005, and the new emergency room, which was never started. L’construction company that had won the tender – continued Squarcione – in 2007 abandoned the work, and a year later it was handed over to another firm. In 2009 è construction site began with the construction of the pedestrian walkway to allow the’access to the’hospital from the’main entrance and, between October and November, prefabs were built where the administrative offices are temporarily housed.
Finally in January of this’year, work on the emergency room quickly got under way thanks in part to the’commitment of the workers, who are hard at work on the site day and night and in all weather conditions”.
With a spending commitment of 780 thousand euros, the new emergency room will be able toà worthily accommodate in properly sized spaces the 28-30 thousand people who annually turn to the’hospital for urgent care. The initial project è been reviewed by the chief executive officer and medical director, Joseph Quintavalle, becauseé suffered from some shortcomings, such as the’approximation in the routing of routes and the lack of a facility that allowed for the safe transport of infected patients. Another important intervention will beà addressed to the disposal of sewage with the upgrading of the pipelines and the final connection to the municipal sewer.
Dr. Squarcione during the presentation of the project highlighted the great work effort of the external people, but there is a è regretted the fact that “we have not always had the cooperation we expected from the’internal. Internal forces are the people who live in this area and should feel this hospital as their propertyà – lamented the director general – from this point of view we have a long way to go, the sense of belonging that we had very laboriously tried to create 10-12 years ago and had partly succeeded in putting in place is è totally lost and this è perhaps the most damageù serious that è been done to the sanità of Roma F. So this is something we will all have to work on very carefully becauseé we must not forget that the money used for these facilities comes from our taxes – he reminded – and since the government commissioner has forced the region to crack down, we must put all our efforts to respect and improve what has been done to the health care systemò which belongs to us”.
The director general of the’Health company finally delivered to Carlo Lucherini demand for a’different attention to the Asl Roma F “cioè a’attention that descends from a distribution of resources that takes into account the demographic factors of growth and the important presence on our territories of marginalità coming even from the cityà of Rome”. Squarcione described 10 years of economic and structural backwardness and put forward the request for machinery and equipment moreù modern. “In addition – concluded – we are down 500 unitsà in staffing, while someone has over 600 people made redundant, we have difficultiesà to supply us with drugs, while others afford the luxury of spending 100 thousand euros on four so-called artistic billboards, a disproportion this needs to be scaled down”.