Aprilia – Colorectal cancers, results of screening funded by municipality
The Asl of Latina has released the aggregate data of the activity carried out in the Aprilia area for free colon-rectum screening.
The two-year socio-health campaign for prevention, officially presented on October 21, 2014, was promoted and financed by the Municipality of Aprilia in collaboration with the Latina Asl company, Avis and the Lazio Region.
Colorectal cancer is characterized in Italy by a statistically significant incidence. It is in fact the third most easily diagnosed cancer in men after the prostate and lungs, and the second in women after the breast. For this reason, prevention activities through testing and screening are as crucial as ever in order to know in time about the possible onset of problems.
20 were invited to the screening.065 subjects aged 50 to 74 years old. The citizens who responded to the invitation by submitting to the test were 4754. The search for occult blood was positive in 315 people, and subsequent necessary tests revealed 9 colorectal neoplasms, 75 advanced preneoplastic lesions and 23 minor lesions.
Completed prevention campaign brings out two significant figures. The numbers of cancer incidence in the territory of Aprilia regarding cancers in the colon, rectum and appendix do not appear statistically alarming. Nevertheless, it is noted that only about 25% of the invited population underwent the free screening.
To this end, the same Asl and the municipal administration believe that for the achievement of the purpose and, therefore, to obtain increasingly reliable data on cancer incidences in the territory is of fundamental importance the participation of citizens to accept the invitation (which is delivered to their homes) to carry out the preventive tests. The free colon-rectum screening was, in fact, desired and financed by the municipal administration, which gathered the many requests of citizens.
The two-year project will be launched again between the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017 for a new statistical survey. The Municipal Administration will support its purposes and give wide information about the possibility offered to the affected segment of the citizenry.