“A calendar dedicated to women, to all women” reads the’promoters' invitation “Three hundred and sixty-five days to live together, three hundred and sixty degrees of latitude to contain the’universe. Three hundred and sixty-five days and a few hours to make the circumnavigation of our soul and find happiness againà”.
All’meeting will be addressed by Prof.ssa Daniela Terribile, Head of the Integrated Breast Cancer Therapy Facility at the Polyclinic “A.Gemini”; Dr. Stefano Magno, Medical Surgeon at the Polyclinic “A. Gemini” and a volunteer of the’Susan G. Komen Italia Onlus; and Councillor Paola Lucci, delegate for Gender Policies of the Municipality of Bracciano and President of the Municipal Council for Women.
The citizenry and the press are warmly invited to participate.
Office Stamoa Municipality Bracciano